

2019-03-15 10:25:02 来源:华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 点击: 收藏本文

题目:Children’s Developing Understanding of Choice Across Cultures

主讲人:赵欣 博士生(美国康奈尔大学)

时间:2019115日(周二)10:00 - 11:00




赵欣,女,毕业于清华大学心理学系(本科),获得心理学学士和经济学学士学位,现在于美国康奈尔大学博士在读,师从Prof. Tamar Kushnir Prof. Qi Wang。主要研究社会认知发展(Social Cognitive Development)和跨文化发展(Cross-cultural Developmental Psychology),尤其是不同文化下儿童对于“选择”的理解,及其对儿童自我控制与社会认知的影响。曾在Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Child Development 与《心理科学进展》等学术期刊上发表论文,曾获北京市优良毕业生、康奈尔东亚研究中心奖学金、Jeffery Lehman Award等荣誉。



To successfully navigate the world, human beings must identify the choices they can make as well as the constraints on their choices. These perceptions and beliefs about choice can be influenced by multiple factors, some of which originate from the external world (e.g., physical laws, socio-moral norms) and some of which originate from the internal world (e.g., desires, goals, motivations etc.). Large individual and cultural variations exist in adults’ perceptions and beliefs about choices. Importantly, these views about choice often guide actions, both the regulation of one’s own actions and the interpretation of others’ actions. In this talk, I will present a series of studies that start to unpack how beliefs about choice develop throughout childhood and across cultures, as well as their implications on children’s developmental outcomes -both the regulation of one’s own actions and the evaluations of others’ actions. These studies speak to children’s self-regulation and goal-pursuit, as well as their social evaluations and moral judgment.