

2019-04-10 11:23:28 来源:华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 点击: 收藏本文
题目:The processing mechanisms of biological motion
报告人:丁晓伟副教授 中山大学



Biological motion (BM), which broadly refers to the movements of animate entities, is a social signal that carries information critical for survival and interpersonal interactions. Processing such movements has immense value for successful daily activities, including normal social interaction (e.g., pro-social behavior and nonverbal communication). As noted by Aristotle, “Man is by nature a social animal”. To conform to our social nature, as well as promote our abilities related to BM perception, it is important to store BM information in working memory. This ensures that BM information will not decay from the visual system, and allows us to have coherent visual perception of dynamic BM. A series of studies were performed to investigate the processing mechanisms of BM in working memory. In the first study, we explored the working memory capacity and architecture of BM information by examining the maintenance of BM stimuli in working memory. In the second study, 2 critical issues of BM-related binding in working memory were explored: (a) how many BM binding units can be retained in working memory, (b) whether involuntarily object-based binding occurs during BM binding. In the third study, we investigated how interactive BM (e.g., two people shaking hands) is stored in working memory by testing two opposite hypotheses: (a) that working memory stores the interactions individually (the individual-storage hypothesis) and (b) that working memory stores the interactions as chunks (the chunk-storage hypothesis). The results are as follows. First, an independent storage buffer of working memory exists for BM information, which can hold up to 3 to 4 motion units. Second, working memory capacity for BM bindings (e.g., BM-color binding) is rather low; only 1 or 2 BM bindings could be retained in working memory regardless of the presentation manners. Furthermore, no object-based encoding takes place for BM stimuli regardless of the processed dimensions. Third, the working memory automatically and efficiently uses semantic knowledge about interactive biological movements to store them, and the chunk-storage hypothesis is supported.

丁晓伟博士,中山大学心理学系副教授。2015年毕业于浙江大学心理与行为科学系,博士毕业后继续于浙江大学心理与行为科学系从事博士后研究工作。丁晓伟博士主要研究领域为注意和工作记忆,近年来第一作者或通讯作者论文发表于Psychological Science, Cognition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review等国际心理学期刊。