

2019-10-21 08:28:02 来源:华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 点击: 收藏本文

题  目: Reduced representations in the brain for perceptual decision behaviour

主讲人: 詹稼毓博士 (英国格拉斯哥大学神经和心理研究所)

时  间:2019年10月22日(周二)下午3点

地  点:心理学院五楼报告厅


Abstract: We can visually interpret a complex image at a glance. Who is there? What is there? Where is this place? Such recognition requires our brain to reduce the rich and high-dimensional visual information mapped onto the retina into low-dimensional representations that guide the perceptual decision. In the first part of my talk, I will introduce how we can tease apart stimulus information that supports decisions from that which does not, using a data-driven approach. Then I will show you the brain processes related to the two components: 1) reduction of behaviorally irrelevant information, and 2) the construction of behavioral representations. In the second part of my task, I will illustrate the reduced representations enable us to perform an efficient and versatile recognition, using a case study about individual face identification.


詹稼毓博士2010年在西南大学心理学部获得学士学位,2013年在北京大学心理与认知科学学院获得硕士学位,2018年在英国格拉斯哥大学视觉与认知神经科学部获得博士学位,现在英国格拉斯哥大学神经和心理研究所进行博士后研究,已以第一作者在Nature Human Behavior,Current Biology,Human Brain Mapping,Frontiers in Human Neuroscience等学术期刊上发表论文。