11月19日 心理学院与伯明翰大学心理系2+2项目介绍

2019-11-18 14:36:36 来源:华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 点击: 收藏本文


主讲人:Dr. Carmel MevorachUniversity of Birmingham, 伯明翰大学

  :  20191119日(星期二)下午12:30 - 13:30

地  点:心院5楼报告厅






Dr Carmel Mevorach


School of Psychology



Dr Carmel Mevorach is a cognitive neuroscientist focusing on mechanisms of top-down attention control, which lie at the heart of various cognitive functions. His research also aims to unravel how individual factors (such as autistic traits or normal aging) mediate mechanisms of attention, including on the neural level.


Dr Mevorach completed his undergraduate degree in psychology and computer sciences at Tel Aviv University, Israel. He later moved on to develop a new computerised assessment and training batteries for children and adults with ADHD (together with Professor Tsal and Professor Shalev) following which he arrived at Birmingham to study for a Ph.D. with Professor Glyn Humphreys looking at mechanisms of salience-based selection. He then took a couple of post-doc positions (ESRC, MRC) before taking up a lectureship position in 2010.