题 目:Assessing and manipulating multi-item working memory in human brains
主讲人: 罗 欢 研究员(北京大学)
时 间: 2020年11月17日(星期二)上午9:30 – 11:00
地 点:心理学院214课室
Working memory (WM) is a core ability in human cognition, playing a crucial function in various tasks from perception, attention, to decision making. Although psychological and neural mechanism for WM has been widely studied, how multiple items as well as their relationship are retained and consolidated in WM remain elusive. Motivated by my lab’s previous works revealing the dynamic nature of visual attention, we hypothesize that the temporal dynamics, presumably at hundred-millisecond level, would be an appropriate time scale for multi-item storing and manipulation in WM. In this talk, I will present some experimental evidence supporting this idea. Moreover, we have developed an “dynamic perturbation” approach to manipulate multi-item WM, and a neural network incorporating short-term neural plasticity further verifies our findings. Taken together, multiple items are stored in the neutral network not in a static way but are dynamically refreshed and replayed via short-term neural plasticity at a fine temporal scale.
罗欢,北京大学心理与认知科学学院研究员,北京大学麦戈文脑研究所研究员,博士生导师。2007年于美国马里兰大学College park分校获得认知神经科学的博士学位(导师为David Poeppel)。2007年8月至2014年12月在中国科学院生物物理研究所脑与认知国家重点实验室工作,历任副研究员、研究员。2014年12月起加入北京大学。主要研究领域是认知神经科学,研究视听觉感知、注意和工作记忆中的的动态结构、时间组织及其动态神经机制。这些工作近年来以通讯和senior作者身份发表在包括Nature Communications (2019), PLoS Biology (2010, 2017ab), eLife (2018), Current Biology (2013), Journal of Neuroscience (2014, 2015), Cerebral Cortex(2019)等认知神经科学领域的重要学术刊物上。获国家优秀青年科学基金支持。入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者项目。主持承担国家自然科学基金重点项目。作为世界上六个实验室之一参与高影响力意识研究项目。担任《eLife》、《Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience》编委,担任《Progress in Neurobiology》副主编。