
Josef Parvizi教授学术讲座

2023-11-01 08:56:00 来源:华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 点击: 收藏本文

题 目:Exploring the brain mechanisms for the sense of self with Intracranial recoridngs and direct electrical stimulation of the human brain

主讲人:Josef Parvizi

时 间:11月2日(周四)上午10:30-12:00

地 点:心理学院 214会议室








Professor Parvizi employs various advanced neuroscience techniques, including IEEG, fMRI, and CCEP, to explore the cognitive functional architecture of the human brain. He has already published over 100 SCI-indexed papers and has been the first or corresponding author in several publications in top international journals like Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communications, Neuron, PNAS, and Science Translational Medicine. Additionally, he currently serves as a peer reviewer for esteemed international journals such as Science, Cell, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communications, Nature Human Behaviour, Neuron, PNAS, Brain, Current Biology, and more



Have you ever contemplated about your sense of self? Have you thought about the neural underpinnings that enable us to create our "I" and our "Me"? Are they the same neurally speaking? This presentation will delve into recent discoveries derived from direct brain recordings and electrical stimulation in human subjects, shedding light on potential neural mechanisms responsible for shaping our sense of self.



